Cookies are something we have all become familiar with due to frequent requests for cookies to be enabled whilst we visit websites. But why do websites use them and what value does the information gathered offer businesses?
Businesses store the data in the form of a cookie by using a tracking code on their website. Traditional display ads work by directing users using images, text and animated graphics in the aim of increasing traffic generation. Data acquired by cookies can be used to display adverts that are targeted specifically for those particular visitors. This is Retargeting.
How do these Cookies Increase ROI?.Retargeting involves displaying ads specifically to visitors who have already visited your site to encourage them to return. The chances of a customer purchasing from your brand is significantly more likely if they are more familiar with your brand even if they are surfing other parts of the web. Research shows that consumers are 4 times more likely to be encouraged to continue with a purchase if ads shown to them are of relevance to the search.
A recent Marketing Land article explained, “It’s not uncommon to see amazing CTRs with retargeting, anywhere from 0.30-0.95% – which is 3-10x higher than the industry average.”
Retargeting Methods.Google introduced ad retargeting back in 2010 (Google calls this remarketing). It is an effective technique which connects you to your target audience once they have left your site. This is a form of online advertising that allows advertisers to show ads to previous web visitors whilst they are browsing online with the aim of encouraging them to return. 2 million sites have opted in with a reach to over 90% of internet users. With most sites only able to convert 2% of visitors on average, this is an important element of marketing to be considered.
There are a number of methods of retargeting:
- Search: targeting based on your search history of other websites of similar relevance to your own. Search retargeting doesn’t rely on an existing relationship for its data.
- Site: targeting to previous visitors based on specific pages viewed, actions taken or not taken whilst they browse other parts of the web.
- Social: this type of retargeting is aimed to target visitors who have previously visited your website. Facebook calls it retargeting audiences.
- RLSA: target to remarketing lists in Google Adwords to reach site visitors with classic search text ads when they go back to Google and make a search.
- SEO/SEM: target individuals on how they arrived on your site.
- Contextual: targeting those who have visited a partner site that shares a similar topic / interest of your own.
- Engagement: target based on interaction with distributed content, Facebook, video etc...
Used as part of a wider marketing strategy retargeting is a powerful tool to increase brand awareness and conversions for businesses.
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