Knowledge is power. And Real-Time Dashboards are all about giving you important insights into what your visitors are doing. They let you know how many people are on your website at any given moment; where they came from; what pages they’re looking at etc. But as well as providing you with practical information about what your visitors are doing, Real-Time Dashboards also allow you to experiment with your website and see if certain tweaks have an impact on user experience. They can be an amazing barometer of which elements you’re getting right – and those which you may need to improve upon. As Peter Drucker famously said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”
The Power of Data Driven Improvement.Coordinated Systems Inc. has identified that tools which focus on customer retention are becoming increasingly in-demand. According to CSI, “It’s more and more vital to retain your current base, versus spending tremendous monies chasing new business.” They acknowledge that responsiveness-speed is critical to increasing business performance. As they say – “The faster you get your data, the faster you can analyse it and make decisions based on it.” Which is what makes Real-Time Dashboards so useful.
To this end, they can be invaluable in identifying what A/B experiments are worth conducting, allowing you to make decisions about new products and features. You may notice, for instance, that visitors spend longer than normal on a particular pricing page. Could it be that people are confused about the pricing? Or maybe it’s more than they anticipated. These observations lead to the formulation of hypotheses that you can then test out. It’s an excellent way of fine-tuning elements of your website until they perform at an optimum level.
Real-Time Dashboard Benefits.- Organisational performance: Real Time Dashboards allow you to judge performance against your plan. Your RTD can instantly show you the goals of your business plan against what’s happening in reality.
- Time efficiency: Real-Time Dashboards actually save you time. They provide immediate information and crucial live data metrics.
- Effective optimisation: RTDs can help improve engagement. For example, each time you launch a new page, it’s an experiment. RTDs allow you see which pages are popular or going viral – so you’ll know which types of pages to promote in future for optimum engagement.
- Brand listening: RTDs allow you to engage with customers in real-time and implement damage-limitation measures if necessary. For example – someone posts a scathing review on Twitter or Facebook and there’s a flood of traffic. If you’re able to notice this, you’re able to respond.
Ultimately, in the fast-moving world of the internet, RTDs help you stay apace.
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